With a year so wonderfully busy and a blossoming team of fresh faces, we all geared up yet again for the landscaping spectacle of nights, the annual Landscape Queensland Construction Excellence Awards.

Starting the night off with bubbles, beer and balloons at the office, contrasted well with our teams collective character. Greeting each other with warm smiles and exceptional accessorized manners - we cleaned up well!

This year the hummer was full to the brim. We all piled in ensuring we had a drink in hand and our celebratory voice ready for a toast to the year just gone, and year to come. With our team being substantially bigger than last year, this festive roar was quite memorable.

Presenting our fabulous selves to the general public at Kangaroo point with a quick photoshoot, made for an amusing little stop before heading off to the Hilton to kick start the formal events.

The food and drinks were a plus, but seeing the team all fresh-faced and bright-eyed together was what made the night so special.

Acknowledging our achievements together, we saw four of our projects listed as finalists, and saw Ryan, who recently completed his apprenticeship, take out the Queensland Apprentice of the Year award - so incredible! We all went nuts when he strutted up on the stage.

Turns out, plants are not the only thing we strive to grow. Our people after all, is what makes the magic happen.
To growth & gratitude!