Team Interviews // Rebekah

Welcome to another edition of our blog, where we dive into the world of design, nature, and inspiration! Today, we had the pleasure of chatting with Rebekah, a talented Landscape Designer who has been creating green masterpieces since October 2023. Let’s delve into her world and see what makes her creative juices flow.

Rebekah may be relatively new to the industry, but her passion and fresh perspective are making waves in the landscape design community!

Her style combines the lush, vibrant elements of subtropical gardens with the organic, flowing lines of naturalistic design. It's a blend that brings both serenity and a touch of the exotic to any space.

Rebekah is always on the cutting edge, thanks to her subscription to the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) and her keen eye on social media trends. Pinterest is her virtual mood board, brimming with fresh ideas and innovative designs.

Nature is Rebekah’s muse. From the intricate details of botanical gardens to the charming compositions of neighbourhood gardens, she finds beauty and inspiration all around her.

When she’s not busy designing breathtaking landscapes, Rebekah enjoys the simple pleasures in life. Long walks help her clear her mind, while cooking and sharing meals with loved ones bring joy and relaxation.

Rebekah’s journey as a Landscape Designer is just beginning, but her dedication to her craft and her unique approach to design promise a flourishing career. Stay tuned for more updates and tips from Rebekah, and perhaps some sneak peeks into her latest projects!

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