Team interviews // Amelia

For nearly two decades, Amelia has been weaving her magic in the world of landscape design. With a deep appreciation for all plants, her work is a testament to creativity and passion. Unlike many designers, Amelia doesn’t confine herself to a single planting style. Instead, she revels in the joy of creating diverse combinations that breathe life into every project she undertakes.

In her larger projects, Amelia gravitates towards minimalist planting palettes. She has a particular fondness for mass plantings and swathes, which deliver a striking impact and instil a profound sense of place. Recently, she has been experimenting with native plants, integrating them into her designs to achieve a structured contemporary aesthetic that feels both fresh and timeless.

Staying current in the ever-evolving landscape design realm is essential, and Amelia finds endless inspiration from the plethora of designers and innovators online. The digital age has made it easier than ever to keep a finger on the pulse of emerging trends and timeless classics. Amelia’s seasoned perspective allows her to discern what elements are likely to endure and which are fleeting fads.

Nature is Amelia’s primary muse. She believes that nature is the ultimate designer, educator, and teacher. Her favourite gardens are those that echo the essence of the natural world, capturing its perfectly imperfect beauty. This philosophy is evident in her work, where she strives to create spaces that feel organic and harmonious.

When she’s not immersed in the world of plants and design, Amelia enjoys switching off her “plant brain” by practicing and teaching Qigong. Similar to Tai Chi, Qigong focuses on movement that nurtures the body, heart, and mind. This practice not only helps Amelia relax but also inspires her creativity, bringing a sense of balance and well-being to her life.

Amelia’s journey as a landscape designer is a testament to her dedication and love for the craft. Her ability to blend different plant combinations, her commitment to staying current with design trends, and her deep-rooted connection to nature all contribute to her unique and impactful style. Whether she’s designing a serene garden retreat or a bold landscape statement, Amelia’s work continues to inspire and delight those who experience it.

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