Raw Challenge // Bloopers

At Brookes Blooms, the seriousness of running large-scale projects means our project management team is always on their A-game. But even the most dedicated teams need a way to blow off some steam and recharge their batteries. So, we recently organised a day that was all about exercising our bodies, minds, and, most importantly, our funny bones!

It all started with a morning workout session that had everyone sweating—and laughing. Picture this: the team all gathered, some in full athletic gear, others in their usual work attire, because why not? From yoga poses that turned into unintended dance moves to the epic battle of who could hold a plank the longest, the morning was filled with more giggles than grunts.

This day wasn’t just about working out or cracking codes; it was about connecting as a team, letting loose, and reminding ourselves that while our work is important, so is having fun together. And what better way to bond than over a few good-natured bloopers?

At Brookes Blooms, we know that laughter is the best stress reliever. So here’s to many more days of balancing hard work with hearty laughs.
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